Boys Mentoring Camp

The Boys Mentoring Camp Experience
This program started in the summer of 2016 and was specifically designed to offer an overnight camp experience for young men between the ages of 11- 13 years. This is a life skills camp where young men participate in activities and workshops that require them to use their brain power and work together. While sports are a large part of some young people’s lives, there is a larger population of youth that do not play sports and can learn skills at this life camp that will help them for years to come.
Exposure is Life! •
Exposure is Life! •
Boys Mentoring Camp Registration Information
Registration opening soon!
For safety reasons, the camp location will only be disclosed AFTER we have confirmed and accepted your application.
Ages: 11, 12, and 13 (7th grade & 8th grade students)
Cost: $150.00 per child
Camp will reach capacity at the first 60 young men enrolled
Some camp activities Include: Adventure Course / Swimming / Car Maintenance / Healthy Cooking & Kitchen Safety / Science / Sports Activities / Yoga / Tech Workshops
Payments are non-refundable. All payments must be received prior to the child attending camp. The price includes transportation, lodging, and meals.
For further information, contact KIRK BERRY at (484) 601-2828.