Leadership Education Abroad Program
The opportunity to travel abroad at an early age can have such a life-changing impact on a child. The L.E.A.P. experience provides the opportunity for rising ninth-grade students to visit the continent of Africa and have a full educational experience, learning about the specific city and country they visit. Our mentoring model is based on one principle and that is “exposure is life”.
We understand not having exposure to certain experiences can determine a child's outlook on life and what they believe is possible or not possible. The flip side of that is by having the opportunity to be exposed to many things in life, can make a world of a difference and be life-changing for our youth. One of the goals of the L.E.A.P. project is to expose our youth to a different country and allow them to see a different part of the world. This is the kind of exposure that is definitely life-changing.

What’s the purpose of L.E.A.P.?
The goal of L.E.A.P. is to empower, expose, and connect American youth from underserved communities through a transformative international experience.
2022 served as the pilot in what is anticipated to be an annual program (of larger size) that will integrate leadership, culture, education, history, and athletics to positively impact the youth, their families, and their communities.
The four American youth were joined by three mentor chaperones. Upon arrival in Côte D'ivoire, four Ivorian youth of similar age, interests, and conversational English level (French is the first language) joined in program activities. This shared experience between the eight youth created an opportunity for lifelong bonds across the world.
All four American boys, with support from their families, were provided passports, visas, and airline reward numbers in preparation for what was each of their first time on an airplane.
The data around youth who travel internationally in their formative years exhibit a higher interest in education, a higher likelihood of going to college, and higher incomes in the future.
Because of this data, it is vital to provide bold positive opportunities, provide inspiration and not only tell them it’s a big world out there (which is common) but show them (which is uncommon)!